Monday, September 29, 2014

Baroque I

Baroque is the other most dominant architectural style in Prague apart from Gothic.
Culturally baroque architecture in the Czech lands are always associated with loss of national independence and the dominance of the Hapsburg monarchy along with the reinstatement of the Catholic church.
Early Baroque,  1620-1700 begins with the onset of the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648).This war was sparked off when  in 1618 the Czech estates rebelled against the Hapsburg emperor by throwing  3 of his representative out of a window in the Prague castle, this ended in tragedy when all 27 Czech noble men that rebelled we publicly executed at the Old Town Square in the summer of 1621
Along with the Hapsburg's and Catholicism came the Jesuits order  ushering in a new era of Baroque architecture.
 Baroque in it original meaning, meant something imperfect, a coarse or uneven surface.
Baroque used a composition of incomplete ellipse curves triangle and thick lines to break down and play with light, it then used movement and a dynamic elements in the statue, and together this stuns the perception of the viewer. 

An opulent display of grandeur glamour wealth. Which were especially visible  the splendid  interior decor of Baroque Churches

The interior of the Mirror Chapel in Prague as seen on private tours of the  Klementntinum.

 All in an attempt to create a sense of  breathtaking amazement and admiration form the onlooker.

The interior of the Kostel sv.Jiljí in Prague as seen on private tours with

The interior of the St. Havel's church  in  Prague as seen on private tours with

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